Retain Law Firm Talent – Enhance Productivity

Business estrategy

What is business productivity? Concerns about productivity are certainly not new. We manage personal productivity every day. Worries about the tasks to be done and how to maximize our time are ongoing. This “to do list” may be written, mental or a combination. Some activities are planned, and others arise in the moment. However, the […]

Law Firm Cybersecurity by Educating Your Team

Cybercriminals target the weakest link Cybercriminals are relentless. The more a business protects themselves the more cybercriminals prey on that which the business cannot directly control – the behaviors of people! Business must invest in ongoing awareness and end-user training to ensure even this vulnerability can be minimized. Your legal practice may depend on it. […]

Invest in Cloud Technologies for Your Law Firm!

cloud law firm technology

Hands down, cloud technologies are predominately mainstream today. Businesses lacking in proper advisement about cloud may misinterpret what they are purchasing and what else is necessary or even possible to leverage from these technologies. Let’s consider what “cloud” refers to, how it benefits your law firm and what else is of concern to ensure alignment […]

Top Five Managed IT Companies for Law Firms

lawyers evaluating it companies

When it comes to conquering your law firm challenges with technology solutions, how do you ensure the selection you make will serve you best? The many options indicate the task is tedious, time consuming and downright overwhelming. Some IT product and service providers have specializations which means you will almost always need to hire and […]

How Law Firms Increase Productivity

lady working at law firm staying productive

What happens when you become more productive? Everyone knows that means you get more done in the same amount of time. There’s a popular phrase, “time is money” and if any industry understands the importance of that phrase, it’s the legal industry! After all, attorneys increase their revenue when they have more billable time. How […]

How does a vCIO help and does your company need a vCIO

How does a vCIO help

The digital transformation evolution of business today, means IT is one of the most crucial components that power your business. Nearly 40% of cyber-attacks happen on small businesses, a sharp increase from the 18% in 2011. Given the threat all businesses face, the small to medium sized are at a much higher risk. Technologically speaking, […]

Effective Project Management Improves Project Success

project manager direction

IT project success can be just as likely as failure the numbers attest. The cost of unsuccessful implementation of IT projects is estimated to be $260 billion in 2020 in just the US, according to BCG. According to a McKinsey report 45% of projects run over budget, 7% run over schedule and 56% deliver less […]

Secure Your Accounts Using App-Based Authentications

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By: Alex Weinert In my blog Your Pa$$word doesn’t matter, I laid out the key password vulnerabilities, and in response to a gazillion “but other creds can be compromised, too” DMs and emails, I wrote All our creds are belong to us, where I outlined vulnerabilities in credentials other than passwords and highlighted the promise of passwordless, […]

Data Analytics to Drive Successful Business Outcomes

project manager

Authored by: Team AKAVEIL Data-based or data-backed decisions are the only type of informed decisions business leaders should make. Otherwise, it is just an assumption or a hunch. Data measurement is the means to quantify and track the progress made on targets and goals and by extension, the means to improve the plans to reach […]

Ransomware Attacks in Healthcare: Security Tips to Secure Your Organization’s Data

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By Puja Mahendru The outbreak of COVID-19 has put cyberattacks on healthcare providers into hyperdrive. Factors contributing to such attacks include, but aren’t limited to: Ryuk ransomware, in particular, has seen a resurgence recently. Sophos recently identified a new spam campaign linked to the Ryuk actors, and our Managed Threat Response team assisted an organization in mitigating a Ryuk […]